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Gunamoi Software

   HorizonProfile - Examples

HorizonProfile Program


Release Notes




GEOPoint Registration

Examples of data produced by HorizonProfile

HorizonProfile was used with different DEM selections to produce horizon profile CSV files and horizon peaks kml files for the NASA DSN site at Tidbinbilla.  Our program LEOPoint was used to plot an image of the resulting horizon profiles.  Our program MapList-Flat was used to plot a satellite map image of the site with horizon peaks marked in red. 

It can be seen that neither the ITUR DEM, nor the AUSDEM database, have sufficient resolution for accurate horizon profiles.  However the SRTM DEM option with 3 second resolution gets very close to the accuracy of local contour data. 

ITUR DEM Horizon Profile (5 minute grid resolution)

ITUR DEM Horizon Profile

AUSDEM Horizon Profile (9 minute grid resolution)

AUSDEM Horizon Profile

NASA SRTM HGT DEM Horizon Profile (3 second grid resolution)

NASA SRTM HGT DEM Horizon Profile

Horizon Profile produced using detailed KML Contour file from QGIS.

QGIS KML Contours Horizon Profile