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Gunamoi Software

   WeatherSave - a free tool to graph latest BOM weather data.



WeatherSave is a free tool to gather the latest weather observations from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) for user specified sites, save them to a local database, and produce various types of graphs, or export selected weather data to a spreadsheet for external manipulation. 

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), is responsible for recording, reporting, and forecasting the weather in Australia.  In order to do this, BOM has a large number of Automated Weather Stations (AWS) around the country.  The last 72 hours of automated weather observations for all sites are available for access free of charge via the BOM web-site.   Detailed weather observations older than 72 hours may be purchased from BOM on request. 

The last 72 hours weather data for a particular site may be viewed in tabular form on a HTML web page.  For example see page for Alice Springs Airport. Each site web page also provides links at the bottom of the page to data files in BOM custom AXF or JSON file formats. 

WeatherSave can import the BOM AXF or JSON files, store them in a local database, and graph the data.  The user may manually download the latest data files and then command WeatherSave to import the downloaded files.  Otherwise, the user may add the URL of the desired data files to a list in WeatherSave, and periodically "Import From BOM URLs" to automatically download the latest data files from the web and add to the local database. 

The only limit on how many weather observations can be stored locally depends on the local PC available memory.  So in theory, the user could import the latest files every day, and over time collect many years worth of weather observations for local use. 

When plotting the weather data, the user has full control of such options as foreground and background colours, text fonts, line widths, title, legends, etc.

System Requirements:

Latest versions: Windows 7 or later, 32 bit or 64bit versions available.

This is free software and is provided free of charge, 'as is' with no warranty.  No registration required. 

Download the program installer here.

  DOWNLOAD WeatherSave (v1.5) (Windows 32 bit) (2.04MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: 7fe484f1b5bf614cb23c7be9e24adb90e6688641

  DOWNLOAD WeatherSave (v1.5) (Windows 64 bit) (2.24MB) 

  SHA1 checksum: 95070bd958b696aa69d39570dedb8d56fc4c0ab3

Sample WeatherSave Screenshot

Sample Screenshot

Please note that the exact look and feel of the program will vary on each computer depending upon the individual user's operating system and theme settings. 

Version History

Version 1.5 released February 2025:

  • Minor improvements.
  • Updated code libraries to latest versions.

Version 1.4 released March 2024:

  • Now reports total elapsed time at end of import if it took longer than 5 seconds.
  • Now saves a log file (WeatherSave.log) to user's WeatherSave AppData folder, to help in case of network error fault finding.
  • Minor improvements when loading from and saving to local WeatherSave database Zip files.
  • Improve formatting of mouse cursor legend on plot.
  • If Rain-Trace is selected as one of the display parameters, report the total cumulative rain within the date window.
  • Fix bug on View-Preferences, where font button for 'Weather Text' did nothing.
  • Updated code libraries to latest versions.

Version 1.3 released June 2023:

  • Removed lowest date limit on date picker controls.
  • Add option to Export All Data between specified dates to an external file (CSV, JSON, or ZIP).
  • Add the option to show a Vertical Cursor when user clicks on plot, position controlled by the mouse.
  • Wider text box in Add New URL dialog to allow for longer URL.
  • Fix bug colour selection shown on Font dialog, removed, colours are set separate to fonts.
  • Fix bugs relating to missing config files for new installs.
  • Updated code libraries to latest versions.

Version 1.2 released September 2022:

  • Fix bug where Import Files item in File Menu is disabled.
  • If imported data doesn't match existing database, give user option to overwrite or keep existing.
  • Improved appearance of textual weather data on the plot.
  • Add option to select a different font for textual weather data written on plot.
  • Decode HTML entities if found in textual weather data (eg. "Recent th'storm")
  • Improve status bar messages.

Version 1.1 released August 2022:

  • Add option to save current plot image, or save currently displayed data to CSV for loading in a spreadsheet.
  • Add option to save a list of URL links to BOM data files, then download and import the latest files from that URL list with a single click.
  • Import data from JSON format files, in addition to existing AXF format files.
  • Fix issues with sorting weather observations across Daylight Savings time changes.
  • Improve plotting options, and remember all user setting preferences including line widths.
  • Improve plot labelling for text based weather data, such as cloud type, or "weather" description.
  • Includes BOM copyright string from AXF/JSON files into saved ZIP files.

Version 1.0 released April 2019.

This is absolutely free software, provided ad-free and without obligations.
However, should you find it useful, and wish to show your appreciation, you may buy me a coffee via PayPal using the button below: