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Gunamoi Software

   SimpleGET - A simple tool to do a simple URL download.



SimpleGET is a simple tool to do simple URL downloads.  Just enter the URL of the desired file, select where to save it, and click GET. 

Alternatively, provide a text file containing a list of URLs to download, and GET them all in one batch.  But if you are looking for a full featured download manager, then this is not the tool for you.

If an output folder is not selected, then the user's default Downloads folder will be used.

In the Single URL case, the user is given the option to edit the file name and folder after it is downloaded.  If the server wants to redirect, the user is queried first. 

For the URL List from File case, the user may include a "save" file name for each URL in the input file.  The desired "save" file name must be on the same line as the URL, immediately after the URL, and separated from the URL by one or more space characters.  The "save" file name may include folder information, and SimpleGET will create the necessary sub-folders under the chosen output folder.  If a file with the desired name already exists, the downloaded file will be given a unique numbered file name.  If the input line only contains the URL and no "save" file name, then the download will be saved directly into the output folder without changing it's name.

For example the input URL list file may look like this:

http://example.com/filexyz.jpg example/file.jpg
https://example.com/folder/file123.mp4 example/folder/file123.mp4

System Requirements:

Windows 32bit: Windows 7 or later.
Windows 64bit: Windows 7 or later.

This is free software and is provided free of charge, 'as is' with no warranty.  No registration required.  There is no installer for this program, just unzip the executable and run it as described below. 

Download the program here.

  DOWNLOAD SimpleGET Version 1.8 (Windows 32 bit) (1.60MB) 

  SHA-1 checksum: f787164b9a7e026084ada82f807935aa23f53c9e

  DOWNLOAD SimpleGET Version 1.8 (Windows 64 bit) (1.79MB) 

  SHA-1 checksum: 660d6a07c1f7de3700c0e629efc4e1b7f5289e3d

Installation steps:

1. Download the appropriate SimpleGET zip file from this page (see buttons above).

2. Unzip the SimpleGET executables to any location and run them directly.  There are no special install requirements. 

Using SimpleGET:

1. Start the SimpleGET executable.

2. Select "Single URL", and enter the desired URL into the text box provided.

3. Or select "URL List from File", and Browse for the input text file.

4. Select a base folder for the output files.

5. Click 'GET', and SimpleGET will attempt to access the URL(s) and save the results in the selected output folder.  SimpleGET will also write a log file to the original download folder, to allow fault finding in case of problems. 

Sample SimpleGET Screenshot

Sample Screenshot

Please note that the exact look and feel of the program will vary on each computer depending upon the individual user's operating system and theme settings. 

Version History

Version 1.8 released February 2024:

  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 1.7 released March 2023:

  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 1.6 released May 2022:

  • Update to latest code libraries.
  • Fix bugs related to wxWidgets Debug Alert at program start on some non-English language machines.
  • Some minor code optimisation.

Version 1.5 released June 2021:

  • Update to latest code libraries.
  • Add option to GET a list of URLs from a user supplied text file.

Version 1.4 released May 2021:

  • Update to latest code libraries.
  • Detect server HTTP redirections and give user option to follow or cancel.
  • Create a verbose log file in output folder, to help with fault finding.
  • Improved error reporting in case of various HTTP response codes.
  • Compare file extension with content-type and suggest change if they don't match.
  • Give user the option to rename or move the file after download is complete.

Version 1.3 released February 2020:

  • Update to latest code libraries.
  • Download folder defaults to standard User Download folder.
  • Do not automatically overwrite downloaded files with same name.
  • Consider content-disposition filename, and content-type when naming downloaded file.

Version 1.2 released May 2019:

  • Fixed bug which could cause random characters in HTTP User Agent field.
  • Error message and delete downloaded file if size is zero.

Version 1.1 released April 2019:

  • Update to latest code libraries.

Version 1.0 Original released May 2018.

This is absolutely free software, provided ad-free and without obligations.
However, should you find it useful, and wish to show your appreciation, you may buy me a coffee via PayPal using the button below: