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MapList-Sync is an easy to use windows program to trace or digitize map information, such as contours, waypoints and placemarks,
from almost any map image, and save the data to a GIS file, such as KML format, for use in other programs.
This is a sister program to our MapList-Flat, and MapList-Globe, which may be used to display the GIS data files created with
Primarily intended to create point list data files for mapping in other Gunamoi Software applications in MapList (*.maplist) files,
this application can also load and save information in standard GPX, GeoJSON and KML map information files.
For example, KML files created using MapList-Sync may be mapped using Google Earth.
The primary map used by MapList-Sync is a NASA Blue Marble image, which can be zoomed and moved around.
MapList-Sync uses the WGS84 standard latitude and longitude system.
The primary Blue Marble map is a flat map with linear equirectangular projection of latitude and longitude.
MapList-Sync has three modes of operation: Map-Only Mode, Sync Mode, and Trace Mode.
The main functions of MapList-Sync are summarised below.
The Lite features are available to all users free of charge.
The Pro features require the program to be registered in order to unlock those functions.
Free Lite features
Map-Only Mode is a Lite feature available to all users.
In Map-Only Mode, the user may add map points, trace lines, add labels, and draw circles and polygons on the flat
"blue marble" map of the world displayed in the left hand panel.
Points and lines may be entered by typing in the latitudes and longitudes directly, or by simply clicking on the map.
Functions such as colours, labels, polygons and circles may be accessed via the menus or via the toolbar.
The current map view showing the trace lines and labels may be zoomed, or saved to an image file.
Map trace point list data created using MapList-Sync may then be saved to a GIS file, (eg. KML or maplist format)
for use in other programs.
For full details of the program modes, menus and toolbars, see the MapList-Sync Help, which is included with the free download.
Pro features for registered users
Sync Mode is a Pro feature available only to registered users.
In Sync Mode, the program allows the user to view an external map image, and synchronise that image with the flat world map.
Synchronisation is done by selecting corresponding Sync Points on the "blue marble" world map and the loaded image file.
Once sufficient Sync Points have been selected between the world map and the loaded image, the user may "Finalize Sync Settings".
This allows the user to save the map sync settings to a file (*.mapsync), and enter Trace Mode.
Map image files using "Flatmap" (linear equirectangular projection), "Globemap" (globe projection) or "Mercator" (strict Mercator projection, or "Mercator-like")
map projections are supported.
Trace Mode is a Pro feature available only to registered users.
In Trace Mode, the user may trace lines and map information off the previously synchronised image file, to display that data on the flat world map,
and to save it to a GIS point list data file for use in other applications.