Offline-Invoice is intended for businesses who use QuickBooks Online for their business accounting, but need the ability to create
and print invoices offline at times and places where internet access to the cloud is unreliable.
Offline-Invoice is designed specifically for Australian businesses, and incorporates the required fields to support Australian
Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Before using Offline-Invoice, the user needs to have the company setup on QuickBooks Online, with all of the preferences and settings
setup correctly.
The following list summarises the limitations of using Offline-Invoice versus using QuickBooks Online directly:
- The user cannot edit invoices already synced to QB, only new invoices not yet synced. If required, already synced invoices
will need to be edited online at QB.
- The user cannot edit customer details already synced to QB, only new customers not yet synced. If required, already synced customers
will need to be edited online at QB.
- Only supports one custom field on invoices, compared to 3 allowed in QB.
- When entering details for a new customer, only selected fields are available, other fields if required will need to be edited
online at QB. These include: latitude & longitude coordinates in customer address, shipping address, customer preferred
terms or notes, etc.
- Offline-Invoice does not do invoice payments processing, this must be done online at QuickBooks.
- Does not support sub-customers or jobs under customers, all New customers are top level parent only.
- Does not support discount terms for early payment dates.
- Does not support more than one tax rate per tax code.
- Does not support item bundles or group items, or group lines on invoices.
- Does not support Class items or sub-items, or Departments. No class tracking or department tracking.
- Does not support multiple currencies or foreign exchange calculations.
- Does not support a total Discount field. Discounts may be entered as separate line items with negative amounts.